
Quality and safety

The best guarantee of safety and quality when looking for a producer of milk, cream, butter and dairy products for industrial use is certification. That’s why it’s good to know that CLC operates in accordance with the best process and product standards in the industry and holds the following certifications:

Code of Ethics: Compagnia Lattiero Casearia’s products are based on fair, good and safe values and every drop of milk comes with respect for the farmer, the planet and the cows.

Company Policy: Compagnia Lattiero Casearia manages its activities in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard for quality system and the ISO 50001 standard for energy management system (SGE) by defining objectives that enable continuous improvement of its quality and energy performance.

Click to view the Kosher Certificate

CLC Code of Ethics

People choose freely to work for Compagnia Lattiero Casearia. There is no forced and compulsory labour, and employees are free to leave after the statutory notice period.  European labour laws and regulations are respected.

Company Policy

Compagnia Lattiero Casearia believes that quality and safety are an intrinsic tool when it comes to defining key principles for proper, functional, business management.

CLC’s management ensures product quality by using staff with the necessary experience, skills and training, working in premises with efficient and properly-maintained facilities and equipment.

Compagnia Lattiero Casearia places special emphasis on compliance with ethical and environmental principles. It observes national laws and regulations concerning working hours and wages, freedom to resign and trade union membership, no forced or child labour, and compliance with occupational safety regulations in accordance with the SR53CE Code of Ethics.

We conduct all our activities with a view to the sustainable development of our business. In other words, we focus on our ability to generate income and employment, ensure conditions of human well-being, maintain natural resources and ensure conditions of institutional stability.

Food Security is a priority commitment. This means we support all our staff, encouraging them to play their part in focusing on food safety. We help by keeping open channels of communication for complaints, withdrawals/recalls, reports from public authorities and certification bodies as well as for feedback on improvements introduced in order to maintain the required level of food safety.

Compagnia Lattiero Casearia adopts an ISO 50001-certified Energy Management System (SGE) to pursue, following a systematic approach, the continuous improvement of its energy performance through the analysis of its energy efficiency, as well as the control of energy consumption and uses, with possible reductions in energy costs and monitoring of sources.

We export all over the world


Copyright© 2025 Compagnia Lattiero Casearia s.r.l. - Reg. Imp. MI - P.iva / C.F. 04909490965 - Cap. Soc. 250.000 Euro i.v. - R.E.A. n. MI 1781441
Registered office: Piazza San Marco 1 - 20121 Milano - Phone: +39 030 7090203 - Fax: +39 030 7092789 - Mail: clc@clcweb.it
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