Cream for industry

CLC Cream: Quality for Food Industry and Artisans

CLC cream is an essential ingredient for both industrial and artisanal production of ice cream, desserts, sauces, and other food preparations. Available in both fresh and frozen forms, it is offered in various fat contents and packaged in custom sizes to meet specific customer needs and optimize shipping methods.

The cream production process includes separating the fat component from other nutrients in milk, such as proteins and lactose, through mechanical centrifugation. In this stage, milk is spun at high speeds, so that thicker components, such as fat, separate from thinner ones. This process results in the precise control over the desired fat concentration.

CLC’s cream is derived from Italian milk, a distinctive feature that results in a snow-white color, which is greatly appreciated in top quality ice-cream production. Thanks to rigorous controls throughout all production stages, CLC ensures a safe, versatile product that enhances even the most demanding recipes

Our Production of Cream for Industry

CLC’s fresh cream is available with a fat concentration of up to 48 percent, according to different customer needs. To ensure food safety and extend the shelf life, cream undergoes pasteurization or UHT heat treatment, which lowers the microbial load responsible for product deterioration.

Pasteurization consists of a controlled heat treatment in which cream is heated to a certain temperature for a specific length of time. This process inactivates pathogenic microorganisms and ensures a longer shelf life for the product, without compromising its sensory properties. Ultra-High Temperature (UHT) treatment involves rapidly heating cream to very high temperatures for a few seconds, followed by fast cooling. This process best preserves the organoleptic characteristics and provides a longer shelf life.

As the result of these treatments, the shelf life of UHT cream is longer than that of pasteurized cream.

CLC’s fresh cream is distributed throughout Europe in isothermal tankers, or in bag-in-boxes and pallecon, which are loaded onto refrigerated trucks to ensure freshness and safety during transport.

Fat content
up to 48%.

Packing and sizes
10kg/20kg Bag-in-box – 1000kg Pallecon – Tanker truck up to 32 tons

Caratteristiche della
panna fresca sfusa

La panna sfusa è un ingrediente fondamentale nelle applicazioni culinarie, ampiamente impiegata in gelati, dolci e molte altre ricette. Con la sua consistenza cremosa e il gusto delicato, la panna sfusa aggiunge un tocco di morbidezza e ricchezza a una vasta gamma di piatti.

Standard fat concentration of CLC’s frozen cream is 44 percent, but can be customized up to 69 percent, based on customers’ specific requirements. Before packaging, cream undergoes pasteurization, which lowers the microbial load of milk-based products, thus ensuring food safety and preservation of the product quality.

After pasteurization, cream is packaged in bag-in-box units and immediately frozen to keep its sensory, nutritional and functional qualities intact. CLC frozen cream is distributed worldwide: for overseas shipments, the product is packed in bag-in-boxes and then in thermal containers, which are loaded on ships so to arrive at destination at their best.

The shelf life of frozen cream when stored at -18°C is 24 months.

Fat Content
up to 69%

40″/25MT marine container -18°C

Storage Temperature

Shelf Life
24 months

Packing and sizes
10kg/20kg bag-in-box

Caratteristiche della panna congelata 44%

La panna congelata, conosciuta anche come crema di latte, è un derivato del latte vaccino. La sua versatilità e le sue caratteristiche organolettiche la rendono un ingrediente essenziale in numerosi ambiti industriali e culinari.

CLC: The Ideal Partner for Your Supplies of Milk-Based Ingredients

Reliability and Quality in the Dairy Industry

With a 20-year track record in supplying milk-based ingredients to the main domestic and international players in the food industry, CLC stands as a point of reference in the market for product quality and reliability.


top quality raw materials,

control procedures and transparency are the tenets of each stage of our production process,

ensuring punctuality and flexibility in order processing.

Traceability and Food Safety: an Ongoing Commitment

The production of milk-based ingredients for industrial use requires strict quality control and food safety, aspects that are of the utmost importance to CLC. Each stage of the production process is subject to strict controls to ensure compliance with relevant European and international regulations.


Request Information

For further information or specific requests, please fill in the contact form: our experts are available to meet your needs.